"The role of Church music as a source of inspiration, guidance, and Catholic teaching has been lost for many of the Catholic faithful. Confused by the general post-Conciliar abandonment of Tradition in their parishes; of reverence for the Sacred; and honest musical worship of God, especially in His Presence in the Eucharist, our people have long hungered for appropriate and truly Sacred – truly Catholic – hymnody in their Churches."
–Sacred Music, Mary E. Le Voir (alt.)
Gate of Heaven
(Mary, Mother of Jesus)
From the CD Gate of Heaven, a collection of original post-Conciliar Catholic hymnody in the Roman and Eastern Catholic tradition.
Jesus, the Lord of Life
From the CD Gate of Heaven, Part III: Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, featuring the title hymn and eleven other hymns.
*Listen to the non-liturgical version here.
Lead, Kindly Light
(Verses written by Saint John Henry Newman)
From the CD Gate of Heaven, Part III: Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, featuring the title hymn and eleven other hymns.
Hymn Groups

Priests, Brothers, Sisters, and all Consecrated Religious


